Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Importance of Warming Up Prior To Playing Golf Essay - 1

The Importance of Warming Up Prior To Playing Golf - Essay Example When observing the game of golf one has to wonder what preparation and strategy take place prior to one actually stepping onto the course to play. To the eye of an observer, golfers tend to appear to approach the sport with a calm aloofness and confidence. Even with this restrained countenance, there is certainly a set of masterful skills at work as well as preparation to take on a game that requires an inordinate amount of focus for success. Strategic preparation and pre-game warm up contribute to this confidence. Though the game of golf appears a relaxed and laid back sport it also in its own right can be intense, requiring great focus, physical endurance, and excellent visualization skills. So it is one must know what to do to prepare physically to garner this focus and perform at peak performance on the course while avoiding injury.Warming up prior to a game of golf not only enhances flexibility, it prevents injury and improves one's’ game. By warming up ones’ body otherwise tight muscles are stretched and lengthened decreasing the chance of pulling and straining while allowing for optimum performance during ones’ swing. In today’s society, golfers range in ages from teens up to seniors. Certainly, as we age our flexibility decreases and our bone structure changes creating greater challenges physically. Age does not necessarily have to be a detriment to one’s game. It is the approach and preparation that must change. One must treat the body as a finely tuned instrument.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Counseling a Person with Developmental Disability Essay

Counseling a Person with Developmental Disability - Essay Example These are some of the spheres of life where persons with disabilities are faced with difficult moments.  Ã‚   They are likely to face great challenges when they come to look for a meaningful employment. If they are in wheel chairs, who is likely to employ them and   how do they find a job that will need to be implemented by a person in a wheel chair/ these are some of the most important changes that  Ã‚   they face when they are looking fro employment. In some cases, employers will specify what kin do person they need and they use a criterion which automatically eliminates those will development challenges. Therefore counseling can be important to assist them to get to know where they can find their probable employment despite the kind of disabilities that they may be facing. Disabled people find it hard to get friends. They are few people who are likely to associate with   them and therefore it is only those who   probably have disability who are likely to associate with t hem as such   people with disability are faced with eth enormous challenge of finding   the right kind of people that   they can associate with. (Koscuilek, 2004) They are also faced with the same challenge when it comes to be accepted to their families. In this case disabled people face a hard challenge in gaining acceptance even in their family. Some family will take them as a family disgrace and therefore they will have few family members who can support them in they endeavors. Undergoing a successful counseling will help these people to form a cordial relationship.